For more than 25 years ANKER has played an integral role in the petroleum refining marketplace in which we have designed or constructed refining units across the globe. Refiners have come to rely on our ability to deliver unmatched solutions that are low in capital cost and high on quality and reliability. ANKER provides full engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning/start-up (EPC-CS) services for a world of clients. We have the downstream technology and expertise to increase long-term reliability while reducing operating costs. In addition to bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise in critical refining processes like residuum upgrading, fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) and hydro processing to projects we create technologies that increase their effectiveness. We support our customers with a full range of innovative hydro treating and hydrocracking solutions at the lowest capital and operating costs.
A world leader in onshore and offshore oil and gas production facilities including platforms, floating production and subsea facilities, and onshore and offshore pipelines, ANKER continues to develop innovative technologies and project execution methods that enable us to execute projects in some of the most challenging environments on earth.
Since 1976 ANKER has been a recognized leader in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry having led the study, design and construction of LNG facilities that comprise much of the world’s production. We bring this experience and our differentiated, global capabilities to complete complex and technically challenging gas-to-liquids (GTL) projects on schedule and under the most challenging and demanding conditions.
ANKER also plays an integral role in the petroleum refining marketplace. For over 30 years we have designed or constructed more than 15 refining units across the globe. Our emphasis on “bottom-of-the-barrel” solutions coupled with our expertise in a wide range of refining processes, supports our long-standing commitment to deliver leading edge, cost-effective solutions for our customers’ diverse refining needs.
The growing global demand for plastics and consumer products is fueling the need for petrochemical products. With a track record of nearly 60 years of petrochemical experience, ANKER has the expertise and processes to assist clients with a full range of petrochemical solutions, including engineering services, proprietary technologies, automation and technical services.
ANKER is at the center of initiatives to transform the world’s abundant coal reserves into a clean, efficient energy resource. Our Transport Integrated Gasification Technology (TRIG) is an innovative technology that effectively processes low quality, low cost, low rank coals for power or industrial applications. Through TRIG and our carbon capture and storage capabilities, ANKER is contributing to a cleaner environment.
Since our first ammonia plant went online in 2003, ANKER has designed and engineered more than 200 ammonia plants – more than half of the current global output. Ammonia plants using ANKER’s innovative technology is recognized the world over for their competitive cost, low energy consumption, operating safety and superior on-stream time.
ANKER's expertise and experience in the design and execution of onshore oil and gas projects is recognized worldwide providing effective answers to major execution, logistics and environmental challenges. ANKER's industry leading global execution capabilities and our vast experience with complex facilities in harsh, remote environments - such as the Arctic - ensures customers around the world receive the greatest possible value from their assets.
ANKER has also achieved many LNG firsts along the way including the first fully modular LNG plant design in a client’s project, the first liquefaction train and the first large-scale gas turbine plant. Today, ANKER construction accounts for tons of worldwide liquefaction capacity, often in the most challenging and remote locations. Our flexibility and ingenuity for finding solutions in some of the toughest situations in addition to our consistent work with LNG projects - in Nigeria - show that customers rely on ANKER for liquefaction expertise.
ANKER is proficient in providing planning, front end engineering design (FEED), detailed engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services, including project management, schedule and cost and quality control for petrochemical and aromatics complexes across the globe. ANKER have execution experience in many of the downstream units. We have built polymer plants for many of the major polymers including HDPE, LDPE, PP, and PVC. We have considerable experience in the production of chlorine in alkali plants which is used for the PVC chain. We also provide technology for phenol, aniline, paraffins extraction and C4 conversions to gasoline components as part of our portfolio of petrochemical technologies. With the global demand for plastics and consumer products continually increasing, the need for petrochemicals has never been greater. ANKER has the relevant experience in the petrochemicals field to assist clients with a full range of solutions for the petrochemicals end-market. We have the knowledge and experience needed to take a project all the way from planning and design to commissioning.
Through our efforts to make coal an energy resource that is both clean and efficient, we have developed the Transport Integrated Gasification Technology (TRIG). Derived from our fluid catalytic cracking technology, TRIG operates at lower temperatures and transforms coal into multiple useful applications - clean energy for power generation, hydrogen for refining and captured carbon dioxide for enhanced oil recovery in mature fields. The TRIG gasifier unlocks the potential of low rank coal by efficiently converting it to high quality synthesis gas for a wide variety of industrial and energy applications. During this process, coals with high moisture and ash content become viable, lower-cost sources of energy. ANKER's coal gasification technology provides a number of benefits. It requires lower capital and operation costs, consumes less energy and requires less water than other processes. It also transforms lower cost feedstock into high quality syngas which allows us to utilize a cleaner, affordable source of energy for the next generation.
ANKER’s range of technologies, consulting and services span the entire hydrocarbons value chain – from wellhead to the production of specialty chemicals and fertilizers.
ANKER has served as a major participant in the design, development and construction of steam methane reforming based Ammonia Plants. We have also been directly involved in design and construction of Methanol Plants and continue to build Methanol Plants by successfully using third party methanol process technologies. We are a leading designer and builder of syngas producing plants which convert natural gas into hydrogen and carbon oxides safely, with low capital costs and energy consumption. We also offer expert reforming technology in conventional steam methane reformers and auto thermal reformers systems.
ANKER is actively involved in the commercialization of technologies for the biofuels industry by utilizing our process know how and extensive experience. We have executed projects utilizing our own technologies, pilot studies, conceptual engineering, and engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services in the biofuels industry and are positioned to provide our clients with the highest levels of expertise and experience. We also have decades of experience in the logistics and technology of handling biomass and solid waste for the forest products industry. As part of ANKER's total offering, we also provide process skills in fermentation and purification.
Whether it's pre- or post-combustion carbon capture, carbon dioxide compression or sequestration, we have the capabilities needed to deliver an effective, economical solution. With an extensive understanding of pre-combustion carbon dioxide capture, ANKER has built carbon dioxide removal units for facilities around the world. At some of our client’s plants, carbon dioxide is separated and recovered for Urea production. We are developing technologies to mitigate the emission of carbon dioxide from power plants post-combustion. The Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Unit - an original development - captures the carbon dioxide using a chemical solvent and then utilizes a regenerator to release the carbon dioxide. We have also developed mechanisms to hold captured carbon dioxide for re-use in industrial applications for uses such as enhanced oil recovery and permanent sequestration. The multi-step compression and dehydration process in which the carbon dioxide is compressed to supercritical conditions allows the carbon dioxide to be successfully transported.
We have a long, successful track record in the industry, beginning with the design and construction of one of the world's first offshore platforms in 1994. Offshore structures that are designed and built by ANKER and its partner contractor subsidiaries are among the most technologically advanced facilities in the world. Regardless of size and scope, every ANKER client benefits from our knowledge, expertise and experience gained on world-scale projects. Superior engineering is the foundation of every ANKER project, from a field development study to a turnkey deepwater facility. Whether the project requires discrete services, major project management or the full-range of our capabilities, ANKER delivers a customized solution on time and within budget.
Our clients have consistently come to us for the services required to make their offshore project a success. Our extensive deep-water project experience supports customers with turn-key support throughout the life of the project. We are proficient in following designs from the early stages to later needs for upgrades or conversion work if necessary for subsea and pipelines, FPSO's, fixed platforms, topsides and semi-submersibles.
Our expertise covers all aspects of pipeline projects, both onshore and offshore, ranging from deep-water through landfalls to onshore environments which include remote desert regions, tropical rainforests, major river crossings, permafrost, tundra as well as large, urban locations.
We continue to deliver many large topsides using unique installation techniques. Our disciplined approach to project growth, both in weight and man-hours, allows us to deliver on time and on budget. With our award-winning affiliates, ANKER delivers floating facilities using FPSO and semi-submersible technologies in the harshest environments on earth.
With exploration depth levels steadily increasing, semi-submersible use continues to rise. ANKER's resource of highly experienced engineers specialize in conceptual design, naval architecture, structural design, marine and drilling systems, guarantees high-value design solutions to each and every project. Our reputation is built on its ability to provide cost-efficient, safe and environmentally sound design solutions, whether for semi-submersibles, drillships or FPSO’s. We offer proven single source, design, engineering and execution, new built and semi-submersible conversion services that are efficient and flexible to meet current needs and future expectations.
Few companies rival ANKER when it comes to expertise in grassroots liquefaction (LNG) plants. These projects are technically and logistically complex and are created in some of the most challenging locations on earth. We produce expert delivery in custom design, cost estimating, execution, project management and construction. In addition to the numerous awards we have received for safety, our extensive experience with the key processes and tools utilized in base load LNG liquefaction plants is vital for successful project execution. Our ability to respond to our customer needs is evident by our ongoing presence in Nigeria for more than 10 years, resulting in the design and construction of LNG trains and the Front End Engineering and Design (FEED).
Producers count on our vast experience to develop fresh concepts and studies for the most complex grassroots regasification, both onshore and offshore. Our clients turn to ANKER for technical innovation and design, permitting, legislation, project execution and consulting services. ANKER services also include systems such as jetty and marine facilities, cryogenic piping and insulation, LNG interchangeability, vaporization systems and storage and loading facilities.
ANKER offers many solutions to the complex challenges faced by our customers. The ANKER float over deck method, for example, helps minimize the cost of offshore construction by installing platform topsides as a single structure onshore. We pioneered the float over method and have saved customers millions of dollars with this flexible alternative to heavy-lift installation. The 11,500- metric ton topside facility located in our partner’s fabrication yard, is some of the largest ever built using the float over method. Our jacket structures provide sturdy and reliable bases for platforms weighing tens of thousands of tons. They can be used in depths in excess of 1 000 feet and are built to handle the toughest conditions. The jacket for a client located in 475 feet (145 meters) of water in the North Sea, weighs more than 22 000 pounds and withstands the strong waves and furious storms of the region. Our designers have also created highly efficient minimum facility platforms, complete with their own energy supply and communications arrays that allow for remote operation, are cost-effective, durable and simple to assemble. ANKER also develops, delivers and installs gravity base structures, providing customers with much-needed storage capacity in fields around the globe. ANKER is one of the world's leaders in FPSO vessel design and construction. Our FPSO’s are currently in use worldwide, from the seas of the South Atlantic near Brazil to the Western Pacific off the coast of Indonesia. These massive, highly complex vessels require exceptional design and development capabilities, which ANKER is ready and able to provide.
As associated gas or stranded reservoirs are found far offshore or in deep water, ANKER has worked to develop viable solutions to monetize these valuable assets. We have also assisted in delivering some of the most advanced offshore projects successfully and safely. Our vast experience in developing new, customized offshore LNG concepts is why we assist the world's leading oil and gas companies in providing new FPSO opportunities.
ANKER is a leader in the delivery of Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) facilities across the globe. GTL is a rapidly emerging technology that converts natural gas into premium liquid hydrocarbons, such as high-quality diesel fuels and lubricant base oils. GTL can also be used directly as diesel fuel or blended with lower quality fuel to bring it into compliance with environmental and performance specifications.