Anker Projects
Procurement and contract specialists providing end-to-end supply chain management

With annual expenditures exceeding millions of Dollars, we support large, complex projects in remote locations of the world using suppliers from 27 countries. We have the right processes, automation tools, market data, volume and skilled professionals to meet our commitment to our customers - the responsible purchase and safe delivery of quality goods and services from reliable and diverse suppliers and subcontractors, where they are needed, on time and at the lowest total cost of ownership.

Contracts management

Formation and administration


Global market watch

Import-export and regulatory compliance

Inventory and warehouse management

Materials management 

Property management


Supplier diversity

Supplier quality and shop inspections

Traffic and logistics

Travel management

A resource pool of mobile professionals — experts in their fields — located in major economic and industrial centers of the world.
State-of-the-art automation tools, such as a web-based supplier portal for identifying low-cost, reliable suppliers.
Proven work processes — supported by operational excellence programs, subject matter experts and six sigma methodologiesthat allow us to obtain a full range of goods and services which are customized to meet customer and project requirements.
Innovative supply chain solutions to complex execution, such as industry-leading RFID deployment at large sites.
Significant spending volume with an advanced market-watch program that can be leveraged to obtain value for our customers by identifying global opportunities and mitigating currency and price risks. 
Long-term, senior-level relationships with key manufacturing and contractor organizations to promote collaboration and innovation to reduce costs.
Knowledge of local laws, markets, customs and procurement practices that enables sourcing from locations around the world in compliance with all laws and regulations.